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Tuesday, March 11, 2008 . 6:50 PM

Ok, yes.... before ANYONE says it, i have been VERY bad with my posting... i've been unbelieveably busy with everything though! So just incase not everyone is up to date on the baby news i am having a boy and we will be naming him Kale (yes, rhymes with hail)! i am absolutely in love with that name because it's so different and unique! and .... i am getting bigger by the second! At one point i just had a little bump and just like overnight it expanded! haha..


Anyway, my next appointment will be May 19th and it will be the glucose test which im NOT looking forward too.... i hear so many bad things about the orange stuff they give you to drink! :-( I'll let you all know how that goes..... my shows are about to come on so until next time... :-)

Tuesday, January 01, 2008 . 2:31 PM

Happy New Year everyone!

I know it's been a little while since my last blog posting but alot has been going on.. my wedding, christmas, and unfortunately being sick on new years :-( Everything was going well until Saturday morning I woke up sick (with great ole' nausea again) and then i eventually started having a little cough and stuffy nose...which then led to 101.5 tempature, not being able to keep ANYTHING down, coughing, and sneezing and a trip to the ER. DR was scared because my high tempature could affect the baby so he took me there and i ended up being dehydrated, i had a stomach virus and an upper respiratory infection....i dont know if its possible to have anything else!! lol.. so, DR spent new years eve with me in the emergency room :-( I'm feeling a little better today but definitely not 100%. The wedding went well but with everyone sick (DR's dad had and the flu and now his mom does), (and Derek and Leonard were sick as well) we just had to make the best of it!

Since I didn't get to post on Christmas, I just wanted to say that our Christmas went great as well! DR got his toolbox for the back of his truck he wanted (from me :-) ) and i got matching diamond earrings to my ring :-) and a camcorder for when the baby comes! Plus a small shopping spree to Dillards! YES!

I'm trying to keep the blog updated as often as possible but our internet has still been acting up at the house or at least it does when i wanna use it. So, I'm down in shiner now posting so keep checking because i'm still updating slowly!

I can't post ALL the pics we took on our wedding day but here's a pic with me and my new mother and father n law :-)


Again, Happy New Year everyone!

Sunday, December 16, 2007 . 5:46 PM

I wanted to post the picture from my ultrasound the other day but I couldn't get in touch with a scanner so i ended up taking a picture of the pictures with my digital camera so sorry it may not be the best quality but you'll get the idea and see it pretty well.

Here it is...

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007 . 5:44 PM

Well i finally get time to sit down and give yall another exciting blog post!

Yesterday was my 2nd doctor's appointment and everything went great! They did an ultrasound on me (not to determine the sex) as part of the test and it was so awesome! Everything was so clear on the screen and D.R. and I got to see our little baby clear as day! Like I said before...these appointments are getting more and more fun each time because it's all so surreal and so amazing how things are done. I won't know anything on how the test results came back until around Friday or so, so hopefully goes well! My next appointment will be on January 2nd and then 3 weeks after that appointment Dr. Gonzalez said we will do another ultrasound to find out if it's going to be a boy or girl! Now, they did let us hear the heartbeat on the monitor again yesterday since D.R. didn't get to hear it last time and it was 182 bpm so it was pretty fast...they say faster heartbeats are girls but we'll see what happens.

I can't believe Christmas is coming so fast! ... with everything going on I haven't gotten ANY shopping done other than what we've been buying for the house. D.R. got called into work today again and is headed to Alice (Texas) for the next 2 or 3 days so it'll be lonely around here and i'm sure that will mean alot more blog posts! lol. Tomorrow is our department Christmas party at the hospital so I'll try and take some pics and post them up and also tomorrow I'm going to try and catch my cousin Kaitlin's basketball game here in Victoria if I can... so i'll try and take some pics then too. Not much more to say other than i'm getting more and more excited each day and so ready to see the baby in person already!!!

I'm gonna leave you with a few pics of the house and keep in mind we still have alot to do yet so these are just "before" pictures and hopefully I can update you with the "after" later! :-)

This is a picture of our VERY messy dinning room table, disregard the mess and focus on the table, etc. lol

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I had to post a pic of the counter in our guest bathroom because I'm so proud of it! ... I did all the decorations and although you can not see the beautiful crosses hanging on the wall, you can get an idea of what it's like.

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And...the huge king size sleigh bed I can NEVER get out of in the morning! lol

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I know it's not many pics, but it's so hard to get good pictures with a single camera so I guess yall will just have to come visit me and see it for yourselves :-)

Saturday, December 08, 2007 . 10:48 AM

For many I have restarted the blog and for those of you who are new to it, I have just begun. I am simply creating this blog to keep everyone informed on updates, news, etc.

Now, where do I even begin?

The house news is kinda static right now, meaning we haven't really done much more yet because D.R. has been getting called out to work alot lately and so he's been gone and obviously I can not do much of the moving and putting things together. All in all though, everything is coming together very well.

Here's a pic of our new cute house. I don't want to post any inside pics just yet because there's a couple more things I want to do and I don't want to constantly update this blog with more and more pics of the house.

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Baby News

So I had my second appointment appointment this past Tuesday (the 4th) which was basically my first real appointment being that I only met with the OB nurse the first time to talk about my history, etc. I was horrified of going into the doctor's office because I was well aware of all that was about to happen but for some reason I was just really nervous about it! Probably one of those most amazing times in your life is hearing your baby's heartbeat for the very first time. After my examination, Dr. Gonzalez let me hear the heartbeat. It took her a while to find it which left me worrying but then all of sudden loud and clear it was there! ....a very special moment! Unfortunately we will not find out the gender until around mid-January but we're are very excited! Of course, I want a girl and D.R. wants a boy but we both agree that as long as it's healthly is all that matters to us right now. I'm starting to feel a LITTLE better but I have still been sick as a dog lately but naturally it's all a part of it! I seem to be one of the unlucky ones that is stuck with feeling sick all the time when majority of my friends say there's only lasted a few days! Next week (Tuesday, the 11th) I go for my first ultrasound. The ultrasound will be to determine any defects the baby might have and things that they may need to pay more attention too by measuring the baby's neck and drawing blood AGAIN. D.R. and I both decided that we should go ahead that way if there is something wrong, they may be able to do something now rather than later when it's too late.

Again guys, Thanks for all your support! It really means the world to me!

Oh...and you guys wanted to see the ring so here it is!... I'm so excited!!! :-)

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